
Fruits are very healthy

For a long time, the National Food Administration has recommended that you eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. There are probably very few people who reach that level. This is especially true of vegetables. It is easier to eat fruit. This is due both to the simpler storage and the fact that most types of fruit are edible without cooking.

Here are three reasons why we should eat more fruit.

Fruit contains vitamins and minerals

Some fruits have higher levels of certain vitamins and / or minerals, but there is no fruit that can be said to be unnecessary to eat. Banana contains large amounts of potassium, which is a mineral that, among other things, helps the body maintain the right fluid balance. Citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which is a vitamin that helps the immune system. And with internet today, there are quite a few fruit delivery services in Singapore such as the Heavenly Gu company – one of the best fruit delivery services in Singapore.

Fruit Contains Antioxidants

Not many people are aware of this fact, but every breath we take actually damages the cells. This is not to say that you should, for example, avoid getting out of breath through exercise! What happens when you take a breath is that free radicals are formed. It is when the oxygen from the inhaled air is metabolized in the cells that the free radicals are formed. Free radicals can damage cells, tissues or even DNA. To counteract the effects of so-called oxidative stress, you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. This is especially true of very colorful foods. Blueberries are usually considered a very good source of antioxidants.

Fruit Gives Energy

Recently, there have been research alarms that say that eating too much fruit makes you fat. The thing is, however, that you gain weight by eating too much, no matter what you eat. The researchers have focused on the fact that fruit contains fruit sugar, and that the sugar when burned in the body provides an insulin supplement, which can lead to the storage of fat. As an energy source, however, fruit sugar is significantly better than many other carbohydrates. Along with the other positive health effects, fruit is simply very useful!